
BÉRANGÈRE MAXIMIN – Dangerous Orbits . CD

BERANGERE MAXIMIN, Dangerous orbits
CD Crammed Discs . MTM 41 – 876623007296
Sculture sonore. Ambient contemporaneo e senza tonalità. Sensazioni elettroacustiche mischiate a post-punk, dub e “sound art experiments”. Uno stile iper-personale, sensuale, ipnotico. Berangere Maxim si mossa dalla sua Islanda per la Francia da giovanissima per studiare musica concreta con il compositore Denis Dunfour (un membro del gruppo di lavoro di Pierre Schaeffer). Il suo primo album è uscito per la Tzadik, la label di John Zorn.
file under: experimental / ambient

Bérangère Maximin makes spacious colorful music. A sonic sculptress of exception, she started out in an academic environment with an electroacoustic training, and has gradually incorporated the contribution of post-punk, dub and sound art experiments to develop a hyper-personal style, producing sensual, hypnotic, sultry pieces with immediate impact. BM moved from her native Reunion Island to France when she was fifteen, and studied with the musique concrète composer Denis Dufour (a member of the famous GRM and a pupil of Pierre Schaeffer). Her first album came out on John Zorn’s label Tzadik.

Recorded, composed, arranged and mixed by Bérangère Maximin

Recorded at Home Sweet Home Studio / BM

BÉRANGÈRE MAXIMIN - Dangerous Orbits . CD
BÉRANGÈRE MAXIMIN - Dangerous Orbits . CD

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